$XY compensation for a cyclist who suffered a head injury after a collision with a car
Lawyers win $XY for 37-year-old man who suffered a head injury after a being knocked off his bike in Melbourne.
Injuries: Concussion and Anxiety
The cyclist was knocked off his bicycle when the vehicle swerved into him. The plaintiff was wearing a helmet at the time of the road accident but hit his head on the pavement with such force that he suffered a severe concussion.
The plaintiff did not seek medical attention immediately but went to Accident and Emergency later that evening after experiencing dizziness, blurred vision and painful migraines.
He was kept in for 2 nights for observations then discharged with anti-inflammatories to reduce the swelling and painkillers.
Follow Up Treatment
The plaintiff returned to the doctors 3 weeks later as he was still experiencing migraines and spells of dizziness.
The doctor confirmed that there was still some swelling behind the eyes.
Lifestyle impact
Although the plaintiff returned to work after 2 weeks, he has suffered from anxiety since then especially when on the roads.
In the 2 years following the accident, he has been out on his bicycle once but returned home after a short time as he was extremely anxious.
He also experiences painful migraines, especially when using the computer or reading.
Final Compensation Settlement
This case was settled out of court by lawyers in Melbourne and an award settlement was agreed between the plaintiff and defendant’s lawyers. The defendant had admitted that they were negligent in their duty of care to other road users as they had failed to check their mirrors and surroundings.
The amount awarded was $XY. Although the injuries sustained were not severe, they have stayed with the plaintiff for quite some time and this was taken into consideration when negotiating the damages.