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Compensation for pain and suffering

by adminSeptember 16, 2019


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If you’ve been injured or hurt as a result of someone else’s negligence, it’s important to realise that you may have a legal right to claim compensation for any pain and suffering you have endured.

Millner and Knight have a dedicated team of lawyers who can help you get the compensation and apology you deserve without paying any upfront legal fees. No matter whether you suffered injuries due to a motor vehicle accident, through the negligence of a medical practitioner, from a workplace incident or became injured in public we can help.

What is pain and suffering?

In personal injury law pain and suffering, general damages or non-economic loss is a legal term for a portion of monetary compensation owed to a plaintiff.

Pain definition

Pain is often defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience commonly associated with a personal injury. Some of the most common types of pain include:

  • Acute pain normally only lasts for a short period of time and commonly occurs following an accident. Acute pain is described by many health professionals as the body warning ou0r brains to seek help. Acute pain usually subsides as the body heals itself but in some rare cases, it doesn’t.
  • Chronic pain is pain that lasts for more than three months, or in many cases, beyond normal healing time. Some of the most common types of chronic pain may be felt in or as a result or: nerves, bones, muscles joints and cancer. People respond very differently to pain so in some cases it can be hard to pinpoint but generally chronic pain is categorised as anything from mild to severe.

Suffering definition

There’s of a number of different types of suffering which may or may not affect the value of any potential claim. These include:

  • Physical pain
  • loss of social life
  • embarrassment
  • stress
  • hardship
  • financial

When can I sue for pain and suffering

Unfortunately, not everyone who has experienced pain and suffering is entitled to compensation. Generally, you may be able to claim if:

  • You have been injured or harmed in an accident
  • the accident was not your fault
  • you have not reached the maximum time to bring a claim according to the relevant statute of limitations

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How much compensation can I get for pain and suffering

The amount of compensation owed to you will depend on a number of factors such as, how and where you became injured.