$XY compensation for Fractured leg and a dislocated shoulder from a motorcycle accident
Personal Injury Lawyers win $XY for a 32-year-old man who broke his leg and dislocated his shoulder in a motor vehicle crash.
Injuries: Multiple-fracture in Leg and dislocated shoulder.
The client was riding his motorcycle 10 minutes away from Brisbane CBD. The client had stopped beside a vehicle at the traffic lights. The vehicle behind was distracted and did not stop in time- colliding with client’s motor vehicle and the other vehicle waiting at the lights. Luckily enough the client was able to dodge the vehicle avoiding a full-body impact and instead shifting enough where predominately the injuries were located on his left side of his body.
Follow-up treatment
Following surgery, the plaintiff had undergone extensive rehabilitation, including ongoing weekly medical consultants and physiotherapy and hydrotherapy.
Lifestyle impact
Physiotherapy was assisting the client but the symptoms and healing process has plateaued. The client has not been able to return to work as he is a tradesperson- a profession which required a lot of heavy lifting. His self-employed business is suffering as his injuries has left his work performance significantly slower. The client is not able to run his business as he did before the motorcycle accident. Lifestyle changes were heavily impacted as the client was involved in many outdoor sports. Client discontinued swimming, fishing, cycling because of his injuries.
Final Compensation Settlement
The court ruled that the client was entitled to $XY compensation as he had been off work for ten months and there is no indication when he will be fit again to resume work as an electrician. The plaintiff has suffered a loss of earnings and additional expenses for medical treatment.